A propos de nos revues
As part of the evaluation of research performance, the University 20 August 1955 Skikda, saw the birth of its specialized journals (Human Sciences, Economics, Literature, and Rights).
Skikda University Journals are a collection of publications with the main objective of presenting research as a university scientist, their publication has been biannual until now, without interruption.
The work is published in three (03) languages: Arabic, French and English. Each article must contain abstracts written in all three languages with their keywords.
The existing editorial teams will be consolidated and the various forms of editorial cooperation with the University’s stakeholders (components, laboratories, PNR projects, CNEPRU, etc.) will be strongly encouraged.
The online publication of journals on the Internet began with CERIST in March 2003: www.webreview.dz Currently, it is hosted on the ASJP website https://www.asjp.cerist.dz and on the website of skikda university in the section Direction de publication